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When Size Matters

At Himplant™, we are on the record that we care about male sexual health for all men, all around the world. For some, it’s size. For some, it’s confidence. For us – we want you to feel at the top of the world.

We’d like to think that this philosophy drives all of our passions, not just our enhancing implants. At the core of the Himplant™ organization, we strive to have an outsized impact on our sexual health, our self-regard, our families, our communities, and the planet.

Why Do We Care So Much About Making An Impact On the Environment?

Because pollution is wreaking havoc on the world’s sexual wellness.

We know that human-caused pollution has injured polar bear penises and caused erectile dysfunction in otters. Still, more and more studies show that chemicals in the environment are affecting human sexual health in ways that could lead to our ultimate extinction.

A new book by Dr. Shanna H. Swan (Count Down : How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race) is making waves across the internet with the biggest (or smallest) shocking headline that “Pollution is Shrinking Human Penises.” Her book explores industrial chemicals’ effects on female fertility, in vitro development, penis size, sperm counts, and erectile dysfunction.

We have the answer to penis size, but we still believe in doing what we can to offset these terrible symptoms of pollution.

So for this Earth Day, we are doing something a little bit different. We are saving the tallest (and strongest) redwoods.

Today, we are announcing that until April 22nd (Earth Day), we will be donating 10% of the proceeds of every Himplant™ implant to Save the Redwoods League. We are looking for a few (ahem) wood men willing to join us.

What is Save the Redwoods League?

Save the Redwoods League believes that bigger really is better, and we couldn’t agree more.

The big wood is worth preserving.

All wordplay aside, the redwood forests are one of the most unique ecosystems on Earth. Since 1918, the Save the Redwoods League has protected and restored California redwood forests by purchasing them when they come for sale and buying as much of the surrounding land as is needed to nurture and regenerate them after generations of over-logging.

Old-growth redwoods store more carbon than any known ecosystem, so we think that saving and rehabilitating these majestic hardwood forests is a must, not only for the planet but also for our own sexual wellness.

How Do I Learn More About Himplant™?

If you’ve been considering a Himplant™ implant, now is the time. You’ll not only be potentially giving your penis a bigger and better lease on life, but you’ll be helping out one of the most critical ecosystems in the world.

Schedule a consultation with us today.


This content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

Please note that individual results may vary. The potential complications, risks, benefits, and alternatives, including no surgery, will be discussed with you at length before proceeding with any procedure.

Transformative Results

Is Himplant the right choice for you?

Are you contemplating the Himplant procedure but uncertain about your eligibility? If you're over 21 and seeking penile enhancement, the Himplant procedure might be a viable option. For individuals dealing with retractile penises, buried penises, or experiencing mild or moderate penile curvature, Himplant could offer a suitable solution.

We are committed to ensuring that you possess all the necessary information to determine whether Himplant's penile enhancement procedure aligns with your unique circumstances. Schedule a consultation today and explore how Himplant, the successor to the Penuma implant, can empower you to lead a life filled with confidence.